Alan Youngblood “Breakthrough Prayer” Glenn Morris “Warriors on The Wall” Bob Piccola “Take a Seat” Dan & Angela Winstrup “How to Impact Your Marriage and Relationship to Others” Emanuel Azan “Walk with God” Bob Evans “No Retreat No Surrender Jason Brittain “Getting in Shape Ahead of Time" Gary Hines “Positioned for Victory Through Consecration” Bishop Joseph Garlington “Thursday Evening Message” Dick Eastman “FCM Teaching” Joe Eymann “Our Identity as Soldiers in the Army of God and the Weapons of Our Warfare” Joan Harrington “Church Education and Counseling” Margie Fleurant “Positioned for Victory Paula Vignali “Building Soldiers” Joe McCutchen “Positioning for Victory” Matt Gerrity “The Postures of Praise, Worship, and Prayer for Victorious Living” Pete Thompson “The Lord's Battle, Our Victory” Mike Wyckoff “The Top Priority in Ministry” Kern Christian Ministries “Friday Worship” William Luffman “Faith Is the Victory” Ted Wentworth “How Do I Stay in Position for Victory” Stephen Peele “Battle Ready: Disciplines to Practice for Daily Living” Scott Netzel “Who Has the Authority on Earth?” Vince Vitola “Baptism in The Holy Spirit Back to Basics” Sylvia Miley “Having a Caleb Spirit” Valeen Netzel “More Than Conquerors” Wayne Lindsey “The Miracle of World Missions” Rose Wentworth “Positioned for Victory Always Starts in The Secret Place" Renee Coventry “Positioned for Victory Is Positioned for Holiness” Walter Coventry “Separate unto Victory”